The careers department is available for all students to access. The careers adviser, Ms Stacey, has information for students that will help them to explore options for leaving school.
Students from Years 7 to 12 are encouraged to use the resources in the careers department to increase and develop their knowledge and understanding of pathways into employment or further education.
The careers adviser can also help with resume writing, part-time job applications, tax file numbers (TFNs), work experience, apprenticeships such as automotive or hairdressing, traineeships such as business administration or child care, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and even short courses that may be of interest to students. Senior students can discuss subjects for the HSC (Higher School Certificate) or university TAFE (technical and further education) options and requirements needed for their career path. The careers adviser also organizes school to work programs for Year 9 and 10.
There are many careers websites which students are able to search for more career information, upcoming events and much more.
Visit HHS Cyber Website - Careers section for a one-stop shop for all your career needs. The school pays a yearly subscription so we encourage all to visit it.
Students are also able to make an appointment to see Ms Stacey. The careers adviser is located in the Wellbeing Hub. in E block.
Work education
Work education provides students with opportunities to develop knowledge, understanding and skills regarding the world of work. This includes increasing student awareness of work readiness and employer expectations, the roles and purpose of a range of sectors including education, training and employment organisations and an appreciation of the role of lifelong learning in planning and managing pathways.
What will students learn about?
The core content is arranged in 2 parts.
Part 1 – preparing futures
- Transition planning
- What is work?
- Introduction to workplace safety
- Enterprise initiatives
Part 2 – working communities
- Workplace rights and responsibilities
- Exploring post-school pathways
- Technology and communication
- Partnerships in the community
What will students learn to do?
Students will learn to research a range of work related issues for example employment trends and participation rates. Students will learn to communicate using a range of techniques targeting specific audiences such as employers. Students will develop employability skills, including communication skills, teamwork, information and communications technologies, and problem solving. Students will learn enterprise skills including taking the initiative in workplace contexts. Students will learn to plan and manage their own pathways including the range of life transitions.
Work ready higher school certificate
Holroyd High School has initiated a new vocational HSC study pathway, the work ready HSC, for students who wish to undertake vocational training as their focus of the HSC. This pathway will help to increase the proportion of students achieving Year 12 or an equivalent qualification. This ensures all students have access to high quality, relevant education and training opportunities that continue to engage them and encourage them to complete their studies at Holroyd High School.
How does it work?
Students taking the work ready HSC choose subjects with work applications as their focus. At the end of this pathway the students will have gained nationally recognised vocational qualifications or statement of attainments towards these qualifications. These used to be used to gain recognition of prior learning (RPL) at TAFE. Students undertaking this pathway may not be able to access a range of academic subjects at the school and will not be eligble for an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank).
For further information please contact the Deputy Principal, Mrs Carrick.
Vocational education and training program
Holroyd High School has a strong vocational education and training program (VET).
Vocational education subjects are courses leading to nationally recognised vocational qualifications through the school. Vocational learning – activities and programs aiming to improve all students' capacity to have a successful transition to further education, training, employment and community membership.
The school offers:
- sports coaching.
Six of the eight HSC VET framework courses:
- hospitality (multiskilling)
- metals and engineering
- construction
- retail services
- business services
- information technology
- access to VET at a range of south western Sydney TAFE for senior students. Access to these courses allow students to undertake TAFE subjects such as hair and beauty, journalism, tourism, accounting 2 unit
- an alternative vocational HSC pathway, the work ready HSC.
Higher school certificate tutorial program
The program is designed to assist in Year 11 and 12 students can create opportunities for students to be involved in enrichment programs that can improve their results in the higher school certificate.
Students are given the opportunity to participate in:
- study skills days
- course specific enrichment days/lectures
- after school tutorial sessions
- university summer schools.
Ask your course teacher to apply for these opportunities.
Fast Forward program
The Fast Forward program is a partnership between the Western Sydney University and greater western Sydney schools, which helps students to see the value of continuing their education through to Year 12 and beyond. Expanded to 42 schools in 2011, the program encourages students to strive for their personal best and to see tertiary study as a realistic and viable post-school option.